Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Lego Movie

What I will first say about The Lego Movie is the fact that it did live up to the hype and good reviews that it was given. The animation was really cool and interesting because it really matched with how Legos are assembled in reality and the plot really does appeal to both kids and adults.

While this film is mostly geared towards children, there are messages and satire in this film that adults can take away from it too. Though the some of the messages in this movie are a bit cliched, the movie times them well enough where they fit right in with the story and adds a sort of powerful effect to what is going on in the film. There is also a large amount of satire and messages that poke fun on American society as a whole, whether it be from the quick scenes of overpriced coffee or the larger message of conformity and control that stand out in the beginning of the film but also plays out throughout the entire plot. This movie can be read on many levels, which is what sticks with me still to this day.

The plot as a whole is interesting, following an ordinary guy named Emmet (voiced by Chris Pratt) who suddenly discovers that he is the central figure in a prophecy to stop the evil Lord Business (voiced by Will Ferrell). The humor and jokes throughout the film can be found as funny to both kids and adults and the characters in the film are all unique and very fleshed-out.

My only critique is the sometimes dizzying animation. I did go see this in 3D, and the effects weren't anything special. I really liked how the animation was a form of stop-motion, fitting really well with how Legos can be assembled or taken apart. There are points though, when this animation can get a bit nauseating, especially in 3D. There is one scene that takes place on open ocean, were it did at a point did make me feel like the animation was a bit too much for my eyes to take in.

Overall, I really enjoyed this film. The plot, though it was a bit cliched at times, was really fun and it was really interesting to be able to view the plot on so many different levels. The animation, though it was a bit dizzying at certain points in the movie, was really cool and matched really well with the idea of how Legos are used. I would really recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good movie to see with kids or something that is unique from most movies currently out there.
