Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2

I really enjoyed the first Amazing Spider-Man film, so I was really excited to see the sequel even though it was getting mediocre reviews. My friends and I decided to see it as our one last fun thing before our finals week began. We even decided to go see it in 3D because it looked like a cool movie to see in 3D in comparison to other movies that have been released in the summer so far.

Though I happened to enjoy the first movie, I found the majority of this movie to be lacking in comparison. The biggest issue I had with this movie is that there were way to many villains for just one film. Though they did give an adequate enough background on each villain in the movie, it still felt like there was too much going on, and sometimes felt like there was a lot of remembering of what did Peter do to this guy again? Even though there was a lot of villainy going on, Dane Dehaan, who plays Harry Osborn, plays his character with complexity and emotion, that you really see and understand his transition into the person he becomes later in the movie.

What I did enjoy about this movie was the chemistry between Peter Parker (played by Andrew Garfield) and Gwen Stacy (played by Emma Stone). They really bounce jokes off of each other and help to keep the film grounded at points when the movie tends to drift towards lots of action.The 3D was also utilized better than other films that I had recently seen in 3D. Sometimes the 3D can be a little dizzying during the heavy action scenes but I enjoyed the use of it overall.

All in all, while I did enjoy this movie but I was also disappointed in the same way. This movie, in comparison to the first, felt like more of a set-up for the upcoming third movie than being able to stand alone in this franchise. While the acting was pretty much well-done across the board, the plot could have used some work to make it an easier transition between movies yet make it stand alone as it's own movie. While most of the villains had decently ironed out backstories, there were too many villains for just this one movie. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in seeing the sequel to the first Amazing Spider-Man movie and anyone who enjoys superhero movies.


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