Monday, December 23, 2013


My mom and I just watched this film just to pass the time. I noticed this at my local library, so I checked it out because it sounded interesting.

This movie was really interesting. It was intriguing to see the spreading of the disease and the panic that comes with it. It reminds you of the national panics of H1N1 and the Bird Flu and the widespread panic that these outbreaks caused. This film, while it shows the attempts and mission to find the cause and cure for the disease, mainly tracks the panic and fear that spreads throughout the American population.

There are a lot of characters in this movie. The film does a good job of making sure that the characters don't get confused, but if you aren't paying attention (as what happened to my mom when she fell asleep for 10 minutes or so) you can miss a new character that is introduced and/or miss something important that involves many characters. On the positive side, it was interesting to see the subplots that each character had and how each one contributed to the plot as a whole.

Overall, this movie was well done. The plot and narrative of the film did a good job of keeping me interested and the ending really leaves you with something to think about. The film does at points show how the disease spreads, so if you are any bit of a germaphobe, this movie could freak you out a bit. Even if you aren't germaphobic, this film does a good job of making you feel like you should wash your hands right after the credits roll. I really enjoyed this movie and I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a dramatic and suspenseful movie.


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