Saturday, December 14, 2013

Jackie Brown

This movie was based on the novel Rum Punch by Elmore Leonard, and is the only film by Tarantino that he did not base on his own ideas. In comparison to his other films, this film is not as violent, so anyone who is not the biggest fan of violence but is interested in seeing a Tarantino film should check this one out.

Jackie Brown is much more of a crime caper, following many different characters and half a million dollars. The film has many characters, but it does a good job of making sure that none of the many characters blur together or get confused. Each character has their own unique personality and are portrayed very well by the characters who play them. The plot is also very interesting in how it shows each character's motivations for the money and the elaborate scheme to get the money. The climax of the movie contains one of the most intricate and exciting scenes, and it is really well-done.

Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. Even though this is the second time I have see this, it is still a fun movie to watch. I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys Tarantino films, crime capers, or just looking for a good movie to watch.


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