Thursday, October 31, 2013

Kiss Me Deadly

I previously watched this film last year in my Film Noir class, but seeing it as a reference for the Tarantino film Pulp Fiction puts it in a really interesting context. The main idea that Pulp Fiction takes from this film is the idea of the mysterious briefcase, but I won't give anything away as to where that idea comes from in Kiss Me Deadly. Another reference from this movie in Pulp Fiction is the character of Butch. Butch is a version of the main character of this film, Mike Hammer. This is a really interesting Film Noir, and while the main character is supposed to be a rough, tough, and manly main character, a lot of what he does to emphasize this part of his personality, it can be comedic at times. Overall, this is a decent movie and film noir. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in seeing a film noir or looking for something different to watch.


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