Sunday, August 25, 2013

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

I bought this movie for 25 cents at a local sale as a Father's Day present for my dad, and my parents and I decided to watch it last week. I thought it was really cool to have it based on The Odessey by Homer. Even though I've never read the book, there are some parts that were recognizably from the book, such as the sirens. The movie was funny and interesting, and while sometimes I did get confused with what was going on in it, I enjoyed the twisted plot. Once and a while it was also hard to understand what the main characters were saying because of their thick accents and the speed of which they were talking. Overall I did enjoy the movie, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes The Odessey, is looking for something different, and anyone looking for a dramedy.

Oscar Nominee: Best Adapted Screenplay 2001


1 comment:

  1. Every time someone mentions a frog or a toad, I can't help but think of "poor Pete". I think I am scarred for life!
